姓 名: |
左蔚然 |
性 别: |
男 |
职 称: |
教授 |
学 历: |
博士研究生 |
职 务: |
电 话: |
13489988094 |
专 业: |
矿物加工工程 |
电子邮件: |
zuoweiran@163.com |
研究方向: |
矿石高压电脉冲破碎机理及其在浮选、浸出、磨矿中的应用 |
2017.07-至今 福州大学 教授、博士生导师、旗山学者
2016.04-2016.06 福州大学 旗山学者
2011.10-2015.12 澳大利亚昆士兰大学JK矿物研究中心 博士研究生 矿业工程
2009.09-2013.07 中国矿业大学化工学院 博士研究生 矿物加工工程
2005.09-2008.07 中国矿业大学化工学院 硕士研究生 矿物加工工程
2001.09-2005.07 中国矿业大学化工学院 本科 矿物加工工程
2010.07-2011.03 澳大利亚昆士兰大学JK矿物研究中心 访问学者
作为主要参加人参与亚太洁净发展和气候伙伴中澳合作项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、澳大利亚煤炭协会项目、Newcrest Mining公司和DMS Powders公司企业研发项目等。
[1] Li, B., Deng, R., Shi, F., He, Z., Ku, J., Zuo, W., Effect of feed quantity on breakage degree of ore particles subjected to high voltage pulses. Minerals Engineering, 2021, 160, 106693. (通讯作者)
[2] Weiran Zuo; Zeming He; Fe ngnian Shi; Feng Rao; Bao Guo; Rongdong Deng; Effect of spatial arrangement on breakdown characteristics of synthetic particle in high voltage pulse breakage, Minerals Engineering, 2020, 149: 106241. SCI收录
[3] Weiran Zuo; Xinfeng Li; Fengnian Shi; Rongdong Deng; Wanzhong Yin; Bao Guo; Jiangang Ku; Effect of high voltage pulse treatment on the surface chemistry and floatability of chalcopyrite and pyrite, Minerals Engineering, 2020, 147: 106170. SCI收录
[4] Weiran Zuo; Zeming He; Fengnian Shi; Xinfeng Li; Jiangang Ku; A method to evaluate the overall breakage degree of pre-weakening processing and its applications, Advanced Powder Technology, 2019, 30: 2150-2159. SCI收录
[5] Zuo, W., Shi, F., van der Wielen, K. and Weh, A., 2015. Ore particle breakage behaviour in a pilot scale high voltage pulse machine. Minerals Engineering 84: 64-73.
[6] Zuo, W., and Shi, F., 2015. Modelling of high voltage pulse breakage of ore. Minerals Engineering 83: 168-174.
[7] Zuo, W., Shi, F. and Manlapig, E., 2015. Pre-concentration of copper ores by high voltage pulses. Part 1: Principle and major findings. Minerals Engineering 79: 306-314.
[8] Zuo, W., and Shi, F., 2015. A t10-based method for evaluation of ore pre-weakening and energy reduction. Minerals Engineering, 79: 212-219.
[9] Zuo, W., Shi, F. and Manlapig, E., 2014. Electrical breakdown channel locality in high voltage pulse breakage. Minerals Engineering 69: 196-204.
[10] Zuo, W., and Shi, F., 2016. Ore impact breakage characterisation using mixed particles in wide size range. Minerals Engineering.
[11] Shi, F., Zuo, W. and Manlapig, E., 2015. Pre-concentration of copper ores by high voltage pulses. Part 2: Opportunities and challenges. Minerals Engineering 79: 212-219.
[12] Shi, F., Zuo, W., 2014. Coal breakage characterisation – Part 1: Breakage testing with the JKFBC. Fuel 117: 1148-1155.
[13] Shi, F., Zuo, W. and Manlapig, E., 2013. Characterisation of pre-weakening effect on ores by high voltage electrical pulses based on single-particle tests. Minerals Engineering 50-51: 69-76.
[14] Shi, F., Manlapig, E. and Zuo, W., 2014. Progress and challenges in electrical comminution by high voltage pulses. Chemical Engineering & Technology 37(5): 765-769.
[15] Li, H., He, Y., Shi, F., Zuo, W., Zhou, N., Wei, H., Wang S. and Xie, W. 2016. Performance of the static air classifier in a Vertical Spindle Mill. Fuel, 177: 8-14.
[16] Wei, H., He, Y., Wang, S., Xie, W., Zuo, W., Shi, F., 2014. Effects of circulating load and grinding feed on the grinding kinetics of cement clinker in an industrial CKP mill. Powder Technology 253, 193-197.
[17] Zuo, W., Zhao, Y., He, Y., Shi, F., Duan, C., 2012. Relationship between coal size reduction and energy input in Hardgrove mill. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 22, 121-124.
[18] Zuo, W., Shi, F. and Manlapig, E., 2014. The effect of metalliferous grains on electrical comminution of ore. 27th International Mineral Processing Congress, Santiago, Chile, Chapter 14, pp. 106-115.
[19] Shi, F., Zuo, W. and Manlapig, E., 2015. Potential applications of ore pre-concentration using high vltage pulses for AG/SAG milling. SAG International Conference 2015, Vancouver.
[20] Shi, F., Manlapig, E. and Zuo, W., 2013. Research on electrical comminution by high voltage pulses undertaken at the JKMRC. 13th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Braunschweig, Germany, pp. 255-258.
[21] Shi, F., Krishnan, N., Weid, F., Wielen, K.P., Zuo, W. and Manlapig, E., 2014. A potential application of high voltage pulse technology in a gold-copper ore grinding circuit. 27th International Mineral Processing Congress, Santiago, Chile, Chapter 14, pp. 106-115.
2017年,年度技术研究奖章,Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution
2015年,OZ Minerals Engineering Prize矿冶类毕业生优秀学术成果奖学金,昆士兰大学