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郑新江 -- 讲师 --

专业: 岩土工程
电子邮件: xinjiangzheng@fzu.edu.cn
研究方向: 环境岩土工程(地下污染防控、多物理场耦合解析理论)、土工智能监测与安全运维、深度学习


Main experience

2024至今,福州大学 岩土与地质工程系 讲师
2017.09-2024.03 上海交通大学 土木工程 博士(直博)
2013.09-2017.06 中国矿业大学 土木工程 学士


Main experience

主要从事地下污染防控、多物理场耦合解析理论等环境岩土工程领域的研究,以及土工智能监测与安全运维、深度学习等方面的研究。参与国家重点研发计划1项,国自然重点项目与面上项目各1项。发表学术论文14篇,以第一/通讯作者在《Sustainable Cities and Society》《International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics》《岩土工程学报》等国内外权威期刊发表10篇;授权发明专利3项,实用新型专利1项。


Main experience

《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》、《International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics》、《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》等期刊审稿人。


Main experience

[1] Songshun Lin, Xinjiang Zheng*. Enhancing smart city assessment: An advanced MCDM approach for urban performance evaluation. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2024.
[2] Zhibo Chen, Jungao Zhu, Xinjiang Zheng*, Lei Wang. Modeling of drain consolidation in the quick triaxial test and its analytical solution. International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2024, 48(17): 4178-4187.
[3] Xinjiang Zheng, Lei Wang, Aiwu Yang, Yongfu Xu*. Semi-analytical solution for a simplified 1D chemo-hydro-mechanical model in fluid-saturated viscoelastic clay. International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics.2023, 47:1442-1456.
[4] Xinjiang Zheng, Lei Wang, Yongfu Xu*. Analytical solutions of 1-D chemo-hydro-mechanical coupling model of saturated soil considering osmotic efficiency. International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2021, 45: 2522-2540.
[5] Xinjiang Zheng, Xiaoyue Li, Yongfu Xu*, Lei Wang. Influence of coupling effect in the chemo-hydro-mechanical consolidation of saturated soil layer. International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2022, 46:2446-2460.
[6] Xinjiang Zheng, Xiaoyue Li, Yongfu Xu*. Study on the shear strength and micro-structure of Gaomiaozi bentonite under chemical conditions in a repository. Environmental Earth Science. 2022, 81:352.
[7] Xinjiang Zheng, Yuran Xu, Yongfu Xu*, Jiangzhong Ao. Field‑test investigation on influence of soft soil by continuous jet grouting. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2022; 15:1750.
[8] 郑新江, 徐永福*. 盐溶液饱和高庙子膨润土的强度特性. 岩土工程学报. 2021; 43(4): 783-788.
[9] 敖江忠, 郑新江*, 李东, 鲜宜, 徐宇冉. 旋喷桩连续施工引起的地表变形现场试验研究. 地下空间与工程学报. 2022; 18(3): 982-988.
[10] Xiaoyue Li, Xinjiang Zheng, Yongfu Xu*. Study on surface erosion threshold and erosion mass of bentonite applied in nuclear waste repository based on fractal structure characteristics. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2024, 422, 113177.
[11] Xiaoyue Li, Xinjiang Zheng, Yongfu Xu*, Chaoyang Li. 1D free swelling model of bentonite under chemo-mechanical coupling action. International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE). 2022, 22(11), 04022196.
[12] Xiaoyue Li, Xinjiang Zheng, Yongfu Xu*. Calculation of osmotic suction for bentonite in saline solutions. Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. 2018; 1604-1608. (EI)
[13] Xiaoyue Li, Xinjiang Zheng, Yongfu Xu*. Determination of effective stresses on expansive soil under osmotic suction based on fractal adsorption theory. The XIV Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment. (Accepted, EI)
[14] 徐永福, 郑新江, 李晓月. 一种分层压实制备土样的装置. ZL202011551932.7.
[15] 徐永福, 郑新江, 李晓月. 一种多场耦合环境中非饱和膨润土溶蚀试验系统及方法. ZL202110973622.2.
[16] 徐永福, 李晓月, 郑新江. 一种分时自动取样及测定胶体粒径和浓度的装置. ZL202011548384.2.
[17] 徐永福, 李晓月, 郑新江. 一种基于MICP法和真空排水法联合的地基处理的装置. ZL202123129671.2.